What to expect

Are there any side effects?  Will it hurt?
 I use single use, sterilised needles, all of which are much, much finer than needles used for blood tests or injections.  Some may experience a dull ache or tingling sensation when the needle connects to the acupuncture point, or you may be completely unaware the needle is in.  
Occasionally minor bruising may occur but mostly people feel relaxed during and after treatment.  

Can I claim through my insurance?
Acupuncture is often covered but it is best to check with your insurance provider to be sure of their exact offering before having any treatment.

How many appointments will I need?

The number of appointments varies depending on your reason for coming for acupuncture, chronic conditions usually take more treatments over time than an acute condition. Lifestyle is also a factor.
 Usually patients will have appointments once a week for several weeks. The frequency of appointments will then decrease over time, this will be discussed and agreed with you.

What should I wear?
It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. 
Most often you will need to remove socks, tights and shoes.  Gowns are always provided and your modesty and comfort are of utmost importance.

What happens if I need to cancel my appointment?
I have a 48 hour cancellation policy. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are not able to make your appointment so that I can make the space available for somebody else.

Anything else?
Please have a snack or light meal before treatment.

You may find it useful to read some of the factsheets from the BAaC website

Should you have any worries or questions not covered above, please do contact me so we can chat some more.